Words for a friend,”Our Eternal” by Tom Tinney #amwriting

We write. Mostly for our own amusement, to tell our stories or to vent. If we put enough work into it, some of our musings end up gaining traction. Over time, friends, family and acquaintances come to respect our craft.

My best friend for 30 years, LR Salsman,  just lost his wife to ALS. It was a long battle and took a lot out of him (and those of us that have known them since they first met). He asked if I could “Put down some thoughts” about “her and him. What it all meant.”

This is what I came up with. It was used in the memorial program.

Donations can be made to Wisconin’s ALS in honor of Shiela Salsman or Sheila cares.

For Loren and Sheila Salsman at her memorial
For Loren and Sheila Salsman at her memorial


About the author

Whatcha thinkin'?

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